Sunday, May 29, 2011

Summer writing...

Class ends this Tuesday and my writing critique group ended last week. Both groups helped me structure writing time. My challenge through the summer is finding a way to balance my activities so I have writing time. With no external deadlines I must take responsibility and create internal deadlines for my writing.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Essay: On Crazy Grief

One goal I have is to write essays about my grieving journey. I decided to write about "Crazy Grief" something few sources acknowledge. It's a legacy of the stigma attached to being labeled crazy in our society. Crazy Grief is a response to losing someone we love; the pain of loss literally makes us crazy. Two years after Glen died I still struggle with waves of grief crashing down on me. Am I crazy? I don't think I am, yet isn't denial a sign of craziness? A good topic to explore in a personal essay -

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Last week the class assignment was to draft a query letter. This week I write a two page synopsis. It's the first time I write a summary of the entire story. Both exercises help me identify my platform - who will read my book. The story is about betrayal - the protagonist's trail of betrayals and other's betrayals of her. How does someone heal from a lifetime of betrayal? This is the theme explored throughout the story.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


I continue my revision process. One scene at a time is worked on. I read everything I can about the revision process - incorporating what seems to fit with my writing. When I need a break from the revising, I turn to my memoir essays. This gives my creative energy a chance for expression.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Susan Jean Elaine

I've started a new writing project, a memoir of sorts. I write memories about growing up in the 1950's during a time when childhood was about the many adventures we created. Such contrast with the childhood experiences of today. It is fun to write about these moments with my two sisters. We three sisters will write our memories and share them when we are together.